The Dating Marketplace

The Dating Marketplace

There is no need to cite a single statistic. If you have tried operating in the dating marketplace, you intuitively know that it’s broken. Whether you are male, or female, you know this to be a fact. In particular, it’s the online dating marketplace that might be the most ruined. Whether you are a man, a woman, or somewhere in between or outside of that, it’s a messed up place for everybody right now.

There are very few winners in today’s online dating marketplace. But it would also be fair to say that men would kill to be stuck with women’s issues in this realm. The typical experience checking into a dating app for a man will be seeing a notification as they check their phone. Somebody might like you it beckons. So you click on the notification, and enter the dating app. Once inside, you are greeted by a vast sea of nothingness.

Where are they?

Didn’t somebody like you? Where are they? It’s not even showing a match at all, never mind a message. If there is any message at all? It’s a message from the app itself? It’s talking about some upcoming holiday. Or maybe it appears to be a pep talk, and offering strategies that claim might help you find a match, pair up, and be free of this solitary confinement you are trapped in. There are no effective tips and tricks being shared. The one message you received is nothing more than a very thinly veiled attempts to get you to purchase an upgraded membership to the app. If not that? There is some other kind of coins. Or tokens. Or boost. And they are letting you know will help you get seen by the girl you want to see you. Does that mean the app is currently hiding you away??

This site is going to skew towards being catered to men, particularly through the early going. But it’s important to get a general sense of the issues facing the other side. Insight into what you are up against can be invaluable. Properly utilized, this knowledge can give you the critical advantages you need to finally break through in the online dating marketplace.

Stuck in the Matrix

It can feel like you are Neo in the Matrix before Morpheus came along and red pilled him. Everything is broken. Nothing is what it seems. But you just can’t quite put your finger on the pulse of the problem. What specifically is the problem is something that seems to elude you. Even if you are fortunate enough to have gained this insight, knowledge of the matrix doesn’t even begin to shed more light on how to actually escape the matrix. It can leave you feeling stuck back at square one all over.

At no point will I try claiming to be some kind of miracle worker. I can’t turn a zero into a hero any more than I can draw blood from a stone. But something I can do, whether you are a zero, or already hero status, is to help you rank up a couple, and maybe even a few points in your perceived value in the dating marketplace. That super hot girl that is way out of your league? Well, she is remain out of your league, haha.

The Only Road Worth Taking Is The Hard Road

If you are here reading this, it’s not because the hottest girl you’ve ever seen won’t go out on a date with you. You likely stumbled across this because you were frustrated and lacking success. Because even the girls you are sure are in your league are barely giving you the time of day. I am not trying to say that the girl you have always dreamed up will be forever out of reach. There is some wisdom in the saying that you need to learn to crawl before you learn to run. It’s better to climb the ladder than to look up, and try leaping to catch 4 or 5 rungs ahead of where you are.

Success breed more success. In a game where confidence is key, you want to build a strong foundation of successes. With each new success you have, your confidence will begin to grow more, and more. If you are paying attention, with each new success, you will develop a repository of jokes and lines you can use in various situations that when delivered by you, tend to elicit the kind of reactions you want them to. I am going to try to avoid giving specific and generic lines, because pick up lines are not the key to success. If 10 men walked up to women all trying to use the same 10 lines? They will all be received in 10 different ways, ranging from being thought of as creepy, to being thought of as hilarious, and everything in between.

Be Authentic

Maybe Andrew Tate can use a specific line, and get women doing so. But you are not Andrew Tate. Even if you were a young, aggressive, rich hustler that was also a physical beast? You don’t have the same personality. You don’t have his timing. You don’t put off the same perception as him. What sounds real, and authentic coming out of his mouth is not going to sound that way coming out of yours. I’m afraid you are going to have to develop your own style if you hope to find any consistent success.