Why Listen To Me?

Why Listen To Me?

There are a thousand other people offering up different advice. Why listen to me? Who went and determined that I was qualified enough to be giving anybody advice on this sort of thing?
I made that determination. In all honesty, anything I might have to offer can mostly be found on the internet already. You can comb through the internet spending countless hours reading countless hours of material written by dozens of different people if you like. Much of what you will learn from me might be covered to some extent within some of that. It’s not as though I am about to completely revolutionize the process with some never-before technique for communicating with women that I can teach you, like telepathy.

Naturally Talented

While studying this topic over my lifetime, I have noticed a trend prevalent across much of it. A good portion of the advice you will come across cannot be replicated to the same or even similar results. Not even close. Much of it is written by exceptionally good-looking men. These men are often naturally talented socially. And they are often excellent salespeople, helping themselves both landing women, and attracting buyers for the information they are peddling.

Many years ago now, I could already see the need for somebody like myself to come along, and help synthesize some of the advice already out there. Break it down in ways that could be applicable to normal people. Not just advice for the exceptional. That I might be the person attempting to do just that had never even occurred to me until very recently. I had always just been too preoccupied with all life has to offer in work, entertainment, love, etc. The idea that I might sit down and try writing out guides for anything seemed far-fetched in the not-so-distant past.

A Dating Coach

Over a relatively short span of time, I unofficially became a dating coach for a few different friends. Why listen to me? They were simply at a loss for answers. They were at rock bottom as far as their self-worth was concerned, and just reaching out into the darkness for any kind of solution that might present itself. Mostly, they were just venting their frustration.

Apparently, the number of women I’ve dated, as well as the caliber of women I’ve managed to convince to go out with me had not gone unnoticed. I’m sure this helped keep their minds a little bit more open to my help than would have been the case. I hesitated at first with each of them, before giving them my assessment of where and why they were struggling, and what they might do about it. Just as it is learning anything, you need more than the practical skillset itself. You also need the underlying theory behind it.

I Should Write a Book

I might have hesitated for a moment longer at the idea of giving away all my secrets to 2 would-be competitors in the same dating pool I was swimming in. But, it’s important to keep a mindset of abundance, not scarcity, so I went forward with things. I explained the current realities of the dating market in 2023, online in particular. I told them about the challenges that women faced on the other side of their screens, hoping to give them some insight into why they hadn’t been noticed, and what they might be able to do to change that. To wrap things up here are some bits of more practical advice. Why listen to me? Because I had been consistently experiencing the success they had so desired.

Both were thoroughly impressed with my voluminous knowledge on the direct subject, and also in areas indirect to the issues at hand. Both, before even having a chance to put to use any of my suggestions renewed their confidence, and they no longer felt burnt out when it came to finding a match. Each of them was adamant that I should write a book, and help others as I helped them. After actually applying the tips given to them, they went from suggesting I write a book, to so strongly insisting that I do so that one of my friends told me that he would kick my ass if I didn’t.

That Is How This Blog Was Born

In the end, I didn’t opt to write a book. It just seemed so daunting to begin writing one as somebody who is not a published author. But, that is how this blog was born. In this format, I am able to just punch out much shorter posts, as I see fit to do so. The kind of information I have to put out there is not entirely evergreen and future-proof. But it’s knowledge that isn’t going to be outdated anytime in the near future either. Many of the underlying fundamentals and principles discussed will still be good generations from now. Perhaps someday I may have to go back and edit some posts to modernize them, but otherwise, it’s not the kind of stuff you need to be reading the day I release it to benefit from it the way it is with news.

At the end of the day, I feel like I have some value to provide to somebody. In particular, to people who are not naturally great at meeting new sexual and romantic partners. By starting out in this format, it will allow me to help some people much sooner than if I were to try writing and publishing a book. Attempting to start writing a book doesn’t ensure a book even ever gets published.

Why Listen To Me?

So, I hope that you are one of the people that I can provide value to. Why listen to me? Because I used to struggle as well, and managed to overcome it.

An Introduction

An Introduction

Welcome to the site

Welcome to the site. This is an introduction. I am pleased to meet you.

Who am I? Well, me? I am just a guy. There is not any one thing I can do that is especially spectacular. The total sum of all my parts might add up to something truly unique and special. That’s something people close to me in my life can decide for themselves. But if you break it all down to the individual components that go into making me, me? It becomes clearer and more apparent that most people in the world can achieve anything that I ever have.

What Is This Site To Be?

I do not believe my site competes with the world of pick-up artists out there. I plan to carve out different spaces for myself.

When not engaging in my favorite hobby as an amateur music producer, I most enjoy being able to help others.

Dating Coach?

An introduction to who, or what? Am I a dating coach? That might one of the more accurate ways I can think of right now to label myself with. Maybe mixed with an advice columnist and consultant.

The hope in making this site is that I can help some people become better equipped to find for themselves what they want most in the world. If your true love in this world is money, then you are probably in the wrong place if you are hoping I can help you become rich. For most of us, our truest love will be found in another person.

I don’t possess movie star good looks. Some people are blessed with social skills so advanced that they attract women with such ease. That definitely isn’t my life story. Those truths are not reasons for you to run off seeking the advice of such people though. If you are here reading this, then you are likely not in possession of movie star good looks. You likely don’t have such advanced social skills that women are throwing themselves at you wherever you go.

The Worst Teachers

But people who are dripping with natural talent at anything? They make the worst teachers to the average person lacking that sort of talent. There is a significant disconnect that doesn’t allow them to understand the struggles you face. To them, you just go from point a, to point b, and then do x, y, z. And if you can’t, they can’t see why. Maybe to them, a to b is that easy, but for everybody else, it might be a high degree of difficulty obstacle course with on a timer. The simple act of doing x, y, z? It might actually feel that easy to them. To you, it might be like watching a dance instructor give a quick choreography breakdown of a dance that lasts several minutes, then saying, ok, now let’s see you do it.

A Real World Example

This is why Michael Jordan didn’t go on to become the greatest coach of all time. Or even go on to become what people consider to be a good coach. Why somebody like Stever Kerr, a 7th – 9th man on some of Jordan’s teams has gone on to become the possibly the greatest coach of his generation. Kerr can’t just simply get past the person guarding him, let alone split the next 2 defenders he meets en route to an easy layup.

At the NBA level, Kerr didn’t have the speed, acceleration, explosiveness, or ball handling to just blow past anyone at his position with any sort of consistency. Make no mistake, Kerr was a gifted athlete in his own right, particularly when it came to shooting the ball from a distance. He likely seemed a great athlete at the high school level, but by the time he had made it to the NBA, he was at a level where he was among the least athletic people in the entire league at his position. Being the least talented pure athlete that was an effective professional athlete is why he has gone on to become such a great coach.

The Goal?

Why bother with all this? What is the Goal? Why make an introduction? I hope that I can provide to some people some value. The difference between finding the love of your life, or being alone, and becoming lonelier by the day is no trivial matter. Not even close. Few things will have an impact so significant as being able to go from lonely to loved. To be lonely isn’t a feeling you can just isolate and compartmentalize. It goes on to affect your physical health. Lifespan. The overall quality of life. Your sense of purpose in this world. There might not even be anything more impactful and able to be such a positive force to you in your life.

In a perfect world, maybe I can even become so good at helping others find a path forward and out of where they are stuck that I can even make a few dollars doing it. That would be ‘the dream’ I suppose. But first thing is first, I need to get to work demonstrating the value that I can provide.