As you begin this journey of self-improvement, it’s very important to keep an open mind. Keep in mind that as you are trying to learn, there are lot’s of free resources available to you as well. Leveling up is not just a matter of paying the most money. You do have to be discerning as well though. The advice that comes packaged in the flashiest branding, marketed better than anything else available? It’s probably going to end up being more style than substance, and not really what you were hoping it would be for you.
In the sea of information that is the internet though, how can you actually separate the trash from the treasure? It’s something all of us struggle with in today’s age. Trying to sift through all of it is really no joke either. The most visible information resources are almost always garbage designed to sound like the solution to all of your problems. But the most visible sites are often just landing pages designed to separate you from your money. All while providing back to you little to nothing for substance.

Created In Good Faith

When you do find something created in good faith? You will most often find that while all of the tips and tricks contained within were in fact helpful to somebody. Somebody other than you. Quite often they are produced by somebody who had a bank account that was already overloaded. Is great looking, Has been on the social development fast track since 5 years old. Etc. What worked for them isn’t going to work for you. It can feel like you are not even trying to copy pro moves and apply them at an amateur level. It can feel more like they are in the NBA, and you work in a pretzel stand somewhere near the stadium that stays open late on game nights.
That doesn’t mean improving is hopeless. You most certainly can level up your game and rise a couple of tiers. Some people who have gone completely undeveloped could see themselves level up 3, maybe 4 times. But you are best served if you can maintain realistic goals throughout the process too. Unless you are near that level already, you are not going to suddenly become a threat to steal women away from the top movie stars or rock stars.


If getting with a top actress or singer is your goal, you probably need to rethink your priorities. You don’t need to hook up with the top models working in Milan in order to label this journey you are on as a success. That’s reaching into the top 0.001% of most desirable partners and is as unrealistic as goals get. Girls swimming that far out in the deep end often have very different criteria anyway. One of the main ones’s that you have 3 commas in your bank balance.
The way you should measure success at anything should never be by comparing yourself to others. That is unrealistic and can be so demoralizing it will crush your motivation. Your point of comparison should always be against yourself. Yourself today, who you were yesterday, and so on.

To put yourself in a position where you can get your foot in the door, and start landing girls who wouldn’t give you the time of day today is a major success, and worth celebrating. There are many factors at play, and a large amount of them are beyond your control. Nature and nurture. Most of the variables have already had the results come in before you reached the 3rd grade. Some of them are static and will hardly budge no matter the effort you put in. Others are more malleable and can be pushed forward with some focus and effort.

Searching For Gold

One of the best ways to help sift through all the rubble in search of gold or diamonds is to find somebody who provides you value for free. Yes, free. There are lot’s of free resources out there if you care to look. That’s right. Lot’s of free resources. The world is also full of people hawking snake oil too. But if you are able to find somebody providing your genuine value, at no cost other than your time and attention? That you are able to build up some measure of connection with them? Than they are almost certainly not trying to pass off a pile of garbage as treasure.

If the entirety of what somebody has to say is pay-walled? It’s not always the case that the end product is pure garbage. But it’s probably more trash than treasure. Right off the bat, you can tell that you are dealing with somebody whose priority starts and ends with money. Whatever message they are preaching, it’s not motivated by a desire to see you achieve results. What motivates them is all about finding ways to discover how to separate you from your money. Their sales pitch is going to be filled with all sort of flashy promises that even they know they can’t live up to. But their goal never was to help you do this, that, or anything. Their goal was, is, and will always be just finding a way to play on your insecurities. And do it well enough to make you spend your money on whatever they are selling.

There Are Lot’s Of Free Resources

When I say there are lot’s of free resources out there, one example I can offer up is the work being done by the guys at Charisma on Command. That’s a link to a paid for course, exactly the kind of thing I just spoke about watching out for, haha. I am not an affiliate of theirs, and get nothing out of it if you were to go there and sign up for their course. I have personally never taken their course either, so I can’t even begin to offer up an opinion as to whether or not their course even provides good value for the money it costs.

What I can offer up an opinion on, is the huge amount of free content they put out for free on their youtube channel. In all likelihood, you can probably learn everything there is to learn from their course through their youtube channel.

That’s usually the case with anybody trying to provide genuine value for free online. Why pay at all then? Well, there might be an ace or two up their sleeves they have held back. But mostly, you are essentially paying to support the content producers themselves for the value they are putting out. And in return for that support, they have organized their message into the most concise summary they have managed to be able to. And they have ordered the content in such a way that they feel it makes the most sense and is best to digest for you, the consumer.

If It’s Free, It’s Me

Only a small percentage of their content is aimed specifically towards dating, or helping you meet a partner. Their content is entirely, or almost entirely geared towards in-person interactions as well. But still, even if your path towards finding love is going to be a journey that starts online, at some point you are going to need to navigate social interactions in person. They offer up a ton of insight into various ways that people of different personality types are able to be so likable, respected, beloved, and more.
A lot of their videos have some real gems inside to be mined out. It’s fair to say that some of their videos are of mediocre quality. Some of them are even less than that and leave a lot to be desired. But, they’ve put out almost 400 videos on youtube, and nobody produces greatest hits at a rate of 100%. I suppose one of the greatest allures of their paid course is to have the core concepts spoken of in those 400 videos reduced to something more palatable that the average person actually might be able to find the time to sit down and go through.